"No really, I don't do group tours"

On Monday, I wrote to you about why I decided to cap my Insider Oaxaca trip at just 6-8 participants, keeping it not just small, but super small. If you missed that email, you can read it here, but the TL;DR is that I wanted to create a trip that has all of the advantages of group travel and none of the drawbacks.

But, Reader, you and I know that group size is just one piece of that.

So what else makes this trip special? Here are five important differences from your typical group tour:

  • We’re staying at a full-service, luxury hotel. Not a bland hotel that caters to groups or conventions, and not an Airbnb. Also not in tiny entry-level rooms. Our historic hotel is in the heart of the city, so everything’s at your doorstep and you know you’ll have a clean, beautiful room and a comfortable bed to come back to each day. You want architectural details that provide a strong sense of place? Of course you do! You want a gym and a pool? You’ve got 'em. You want multiple dining options, including room service? You’ve got that too. Check, check, and check.
  • There’s downtime built in so your vacation actually feels like a vacation. Lay by that pool, order that room service, or explore the fantastic shops, cafés and special-interest sights outside that doorstep (armed with my curated guide to all the best spots, of course).
  • All the “annoying” stuff is taken care of. Who wants to try to figure out the cost of drinks after dinner, or deal with tipping awkwardness? These things are included in the price so you don’t have to worry about them.
  • I’ll be there to translate and facilitate (I’m a bilingual Spanish speaker and travel to Mexico often), allowing for deeper cultural immersion and a smoother on-the-ground experience.
  • I’ve tapped my experience and expertise planning ultraluxury private tours to develop a curated itinerary of my favorite and most recommended experiences. I’ve thought of all the details, from the best flow to the most efficient logistics, so all you have to do is show up and have fun!

In other words, I’ve pretty much designed my perfect trip to Oaxaca—and I can’t wait to share it with you. I’d absolutely love for you to join me and experience this incredible destination for yourself, in the most fun, easy, and interesting way!

See you there!

Ciao for now!

P.S. Sign up now for my incredible Insider Oaxaca trip! Spots are limited and doors close on March 22nd—you don’t want to miss out!

If you still want to receive emails from me but don't want to hear more about Oaxaca, just click here.

Hola! I'm Stephanie

I'm an award-winning travel expert who's using over 15 years of industry experience to help you get MORE out of your travels. Sign up to get weekly travel inspo delivered straight to your inbox.

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